Monday 10 October 2011

a quick poster

This one's for a mate, I put it together watching Be Kind Rewind.
The Beacon Court is a pretty good venue in Gillingham, and my friend organises gigs there.
This ones a bit of a mixed bag line up! Skiffle, Ska, Grunge & Punk.
Yes. This is a Unicorn with the face of Boris Becker.
The first in a LONG series of mythical half beasts.
More details to follow.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Husker Du 7 inch collection - Initial Ideas

These are the first ideas for my redesign of the Husker Du 7 inch collection. They take inspiration from Peter Savilles work for Factory records and the art from the original releases of the records. I like them, but at the moment they are slightly too obvious for my liking. I will be following these up soon with some more ideas.

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Black Radio & More..

A piece for Punk Rock At The Maidens Head. I stuck to monochrome colouring for this image, the name Black Radio just asked for it. Black & white also helped to give the piece a D.I.Y photocopied feel to it, which suits the ethics of the punk music it represents to a tee. I used a few drop shadows and textures to give it all depth and to make the band names jump out.